
Trick or Eat 2011

“I couldn’t believe that in just an hour we filled an entire shopping cart of food. It was awesome. When I was younger, my family visited the food bank on occasion and it made me feel really good to give back to an organization that once helped me. I truly believe in this cause and think this is a great event for raising awareness and collecting goods.”– Trick or Eat participant

Last year was Meal Exchange’s 11th year Trick or Eating! We were very proud to have 6,003 youth in 93 communities across Canada and the U.S. get decked out in their finest Halloween costumes to go door-to-door collecting over 1/2 million dollars worth of non-perishable goods for their local food banks.

“Trick or Eat was very well organized and it was amazing to see the enthusiasm of the students who were volunteering their time to collect food for the food bank. The donations from Trick or Eat have definitely helped our agency as they have filled empty shelves and will keep them full for a while to come.”
- Living Rock Ministries (Hamilton, ON)

Trick Or Eat 2010

6,802 youth + 73 communities = $483,878 worth of food (193,551 meals!) +$40,703 raised online!


7,487 youth + 57 communities = $413,750 worth of food (165,500 meals!) + $37,104 raised online!

2009 was an amazing year – with a record breaking number of volunteers!


6,000 youth + 54 communities = $372,780 worth of food (149,112 meals) + $23,330 raised online!

Watch this video and hear what the students have to say about Trick or Eat in their communities!